Saturday, August 10, 2013

Dresses, dresses, dresses...and a glitch!

I am up to my eyes in dress bodices, trying to finish my list of projects assembly-line style. Finish bodices. Move on to skirts. End with sashes. I envision the finished products hanging on a clothesline, neatly pressed, swaying ever so slightly in the breeze ready for their photo. The camera is ill. Stuck shutter or some such nonsense. I find these obstacles humorous at times as they are ALWAYS there and in abundance. If anything went smoothly without a glitch or two, I would twirl and sing in the fields ala Julie Andrews. Alas, my neighbors will be spared that horror today. The camera is ill. I have grand plans of bulking up my etsy shop, wooing folks with dresses they cannot live without, supporting my family doing what I love, dreaming dreaming dreaming. What is anything without dreams and hopes and ambition and hard work? The camera is ill. My sewing machine (not without it's own challenges) awaits me. Thread and pins and scissors await me. Piles of dress bodices await me. Skirts. Sashes. Clothesline. Gentle breeze. Success. The camera is ill. Today the smart phone will have to do.